5 Email Templates Your Creative Business Needs

Modern Maker Stamps - Email Templates

Have you ever gotten an email that crushed your entire workday?

Maybe it was an AWESOME opportunity that sent you spiraling into research mode.

But more likely it was a client who asked you that question you dread & never know how to answer.

Or maybe it was a small order issue that kept you up all night worrying - how will I word that response juuuust perfectly?

Whatever it was, IT STOLE YOUR CREATIVE WORK TIME. And after tens of thousands of client emails of my own, I’ve found a solution.

Friend, you need some ready-to-go, copy-and-paste email templates.

And you’re in luck! I’m sharing my top 5 ready-to-swipe email templates that every creative business needs.

Modern Maker Stamps - Email Templates for Creative Business

Why do I need email templates?

  • To get your emails answered faster

  • To give your brand a clear voice

  • To give you more confidence as you reply

  • To increase your conversion rate

Having fast & direct email responses ready-to-go can:

  • increase your revenue AND

  • give you more time outside of your inbox.

Must-Have Email 1: How can I get what you’re selling?

What they’re saying: “I see that you sell XYZ, but I’m not sure exactly how to get it. Can you help?”

What they’re really asking: “Is this business run by a human that will sell me something I’ll love?”

These emails are from clients who are ready to shop, but want to double-check that you can meet their needs. A quick response to this question often results in an immediate sale from your ideal client.

Your Template*:

Hey <name> & thanks for dropping by,

Yes! I’m always happy to make <item>. You can purchase through this link here: <link>.

Let me know if you have any other questions,
<Your Name>

* One little side note - always feel free to put your own personality into your email templates. If you’d never say “thanks for dropping by” but would say “thanks for visiting my shop,” then do it! If you don’t make items, but instead can say “I do have that item in stock right now,” do it! If you sign off with an extra “xoxo,” do it! Editing these templates with your own voice will make your emails more authentic.

Must-Have Email 2: A “Hell Yes”

These emails are from clients who want something they couldn’t find on your website.

They want to:

  • Collaborate with you

  • Feature you or your business somewhere

  • Customize one of your items

    …. and your gut response is a “hell yes!

A quick response to this question may mean a big opportunity for you. It could be a “yes” to something that stretches you in new and exciting ways! Just be sure you give them clear direction on what’s next.

Your Template:

Hey <name> I’m so glad you contacted me,

Yes! I’d love to <xyz>. Here’s how I like to do it:

  • Bullet point

  • the steps

  • for clarity

I’ll keep an eye out for <the next step> & I can’t wait to work with you.

Let me know if you have any other questions,
<Your Name>

Must-Have Email 3: A “No, Thanks”

This one is the most important one of all. It’s the hardest (and most emotion-filled) one to write without a template.

This person wants something you don’t provide or don’t want to provide. They need to know:

  • You appreciate them & their message

  • You’re saying a definite & final “no”

A quick response to this question can mean saving yourself unnecessary worry. A clear response to this question will mean saving a lot of awkward back-and-forth.

Your Template:

Hey <name> & thanks for your question,

I really appreciate you thinking of me for this*, but I’m not <able to make that for you/able to rush this out for you/available for public speaking/booking custom clients/doing shows/etc> at this time.

Optional: You may want to check out <alternate vendor> or try <another item in your shop that may work>.

I hope <it’s a great event/you’re able to find a great option/etc>,
<Your Name>

* Alternatives: “This is such a great idea” or “That sounds really cool” or “I’m grateful to be asked” - just be sure whatever you choose, you’re honest about it! ;)

Must-Have Email 4: All Your Links

For your sanity, you need an easy-to-copy-and-paste document saved with all your links. Most clients emails are looking for a next step — and often that next step is a link.

Here are some link ideas to get you started:

  • Your main website

  • Your most popular product(s)

  • The blog post(s) you reference most often

  • Your instagram/facebook/blog/etc

  • Your FAQ page for reference

  • Discount + promotion links

  • Policies that you reference often

Having these links available will streamline your process and save you precious time.

Your Template:





Product One: www.product1.com/shopforproduct1

Product Two: www.product2.com/shopforproduct2



I also recommend adding a link to the product you’re discussing any time the next step *might* be to purchase. If a client has more questions, they’ll hit “reply,” but you want the link to be available as soon as they’re ready.

Must-Have Email 5: How fast can you get it to me?

These clients may have a deadline in mind and want to be sure you can meet their needs. Or they may simply want to know how long they’ll have to wait before they can enjoy your work.

A quick response to this question can mean a quick sale & a delighted client that’s likely to return. If you’re not able to serve a client this time around, a quick reply will help ensure they’ll keep you in mind for next time.

Your Template:

Hey <name> & thanks for visiting,

My current turnaround time is <xyz>, so an order placed today will ship by <date> at the latest.

Optional: If you’d like to speed up production, <you can rush your order by purchasing a rush at this link/you can purchase upgraded shipping at checkout>.

Let me know if you have any other questions,
<Your Name>

That’s all friend! Copy & paste your templates into a Word Doc on your desktop, edit them with your own words & let the inbox relief begin.

With love from your creative biz friend,
Sarah K

Have a question? I’m all ears.